The message placed in the heart of our speaker this morning, Zollie Smith, really hit home for me. The general point of the message was that "it's up to you--to do something!" As I was sitting in service, I felt God speaking to me. I felt He was continuously telling me, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." So many times we sit through a missions conference, or some sort of conference, and we agree with our "amens" and "that's rights!" with the speaker at the pulpit that the world needs to be saved, the world needs Jesus, that we need to GO! and make disciples of ALL nations! Yet... more than half the people don't do anything about it. Everyone expects someone else to go into the missions field and reach the lost. But was not the great commission intended for EVERYONE to obey? It's up to us -- to do something! And when we do something, God will move. I want to challenge everyone to go out into the world and do something about it. You don't have to go to another country to do missions. We need to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth! Our missions field is EVERYWHERE.
As read in Donna's post, it snowed today! God is so good! We wanted to see snow (or at least I wanted to!) before we left but the forecast predicted that it wouldn't be cold enough to snow until Friday, which is the day we are to return home from the summit. But God is faithful and heard my prayer when I asked Him if He could show us some snow before we left! It was definitely a white (after) Christmas! :)
Miss you all! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday.
God bless,
Hey Kelley, thx for challenging us to GO. Like what Pas Tex said one time: "To GO is so important that it's one-thirds of God's name!"
Was there enough snow for some snowball fight action ? ;-)
P.S. I meant to say two-thirds of GOD's name; get it right mat teacha !
LOL~! Freeman, that's funny! I never heard of that.. "two-thirds of God's name" hahaha!
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