Tonight was the first session of the World Missions Summit. Events usually end with a big bang, but this conference started with a big bang. I believe that this conference will end with an even GREATER BANG!
The two missions themes that I have been constantly encountering are "It's not about me, but it's up to me" and "Everyone goes, everyone gives, and everyone prays." The heart and passion for missions is not only for a select few, but rather, it is for every one who is called a child of God. If it wasn't for someone who took missions seriously, some of us may not have had an opportunity to hear the message of Christ and receive the gift of salvation. Though some may not be called to become full time missionaries, we are still to be missionaries in our family and marketplaces.
In tonight's conference, our speaker had warned us of five things we had to be cautious and alert of. (If you really want to know those five points, I'll give you the notes when I get back) Though the message was inspiring, there was one thing that really convicted my heart. In 2 Chron. 7:14, God says, "If my people .. will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Our speaker pointed out that God is an "if and then" person; meaning that IF something is done, THEN something will happen. However, we are the "when" type of people; always asking God when something will happen. I've always been asking God, "God, when will the numbers come? When will I witness the miracles? When will all the people of Hawaii bow down to you in worship? When? When?" In 2 Chron. 7:14, God says these things will occur, but only IF something is done. At the end of the conference I had to ask myself, "Had I been doing my part? Had I been humbling myself in prayer, seeking His face, and turning from my wicked ways?" I just had to go to God and ask for forgiveness. It was not God who had been delaying these miracles and salvations.. I was. Sometimes it seems as if we only knew how to present a request to God. It is not that God does not want to answer those prayers, but He is simply reminding us that He is not someone that we should run to only in times of need.
I know that this conference is not only changing my life, but the lives of thousands of young adults have been moved by the power and Spirit of God. After the gathering, we were all invited to a reception at Fountain Square for ice skating (in an OUTSIDE rink!!). The amazing thing was seeing two young adults offering food and prayer to two homeless people on the streets. God is at work already!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing Donna. What you said about "It's not about me, but it's up to me" really resonates in my spirit of taking responsibility to do my part so God can do His part through me.
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