Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day One: Cautions

Aloha to Calvary from the former Hawaiian and now Wisconsinite, me!
I am first and foremost thankful for God's continuous faithfulness in ordaining each of my steps. His grace abounds in our lives. Now that the first night is done, I am incredibly grateful that God brought me here, because if not I would have missed out BIG TIME! Wow, did God speak, and wow, did God leave us with a great responsibility to obey what He spoke. I came not knowing what to expect, but I just know that I am willing and determined to not seek a blessing, but the Blesser.
The main thing that God has placed in my heart is that I do have a responsibility in my generation to do what He has called me to do as a servant of Christ, and that in my responsibility, my own feelings or desires in life are disregarded. As Jesus said, whoever desires to follow Him must take up their cross daily and follow Him. We do not serve the Father as we feel and as we desire, but as we see the Father doing. The essential message that I received through tonight's speaker were things that we need to be cautious of in these last days so that we may see by faith our calling to cross over as the next generation's warriors. Through the Word of God delivered tonight, God shined His light on areas in my life which are fleshly that need to be sacrified at the altar so that I die, God lives, and so that God may be glorified, His name lifted high, where all men can then be drawn unto Him. Although the message left me on my knees with tears flowing down my face at the end, God faithfully gave a word of knowledge to everyone at the close of the conference: "If you will get rid of those things which take up space in your life (in place of God), I will replace it with the anointing." As I continue to seek after Jesus, the more I am understanding the power of His word and that where His spirit is, there is truly freedom. Our enemy has already been defeated and we truly need not live in fear of being defeated anymore. He is Jehovah Nissi.

To quote Crystal Martin-tonight's conference speaker-on many notes:
  • "God is looking for a people who desire to celebrate not our own goodness, but His Goodness. Good deeds outside of a relationship with God lead to self-righteousness and pride."
  • "God is looking for a people that can discern between the seductive nature of words that sound like truth but are not spoken by the spirit of Truth from Truth."

  • "God is looking for a people who are not fed nor led by the praises of men. If you are fed and led by the praises of men, you will only get where men want you to go and not where God wants you to go."

As I soaked those words in, I was thoughtless inside. It took captive untruth and simply left the Truth ringing in my spirit. I have much anticipation for what God will continue to do in my heart and in all of our hearts collectively. I feel a strong desire that God would lead us all to repentance so that we will be a generation that CARRIES HIS FLAME on over to those whose care God has entruseted to us! I have faith in His word above my fears and failures.

Another thing that God spoke prophetically through tonight's speaker were three things that are hindering the American Church from intimacy with God:
1) Gluttony--in spending, eating, and technology (we fill and satisfy ourselves with these things rather than the things of His spirit)

2) Infatuation with the blessing/gift rather than love for the Blesser/Giver (we want to know His hand but not His heart)

3) No hatred for sin/wickedness ("Oh, it's okay if you sin. Just join a support group! God will get you through it" Flesh sensitivity above Spirit sensitivity)
When the speaker revealed to us what God had revealed to her, it made me more wary and cautious of the spirits that dwell in this land, which are warring to deform the Church. I am well aware that these spirits will not be merciful to me, nor any of us, so I must refrain from taking God's words lightheartedly because these spirits will take advantage of every vulnerability that I turn to bandage in the world instead of GOD. The Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor and our greatest Comforter. Despite the fear in knowing the consequences of disobedience, the knowledge of God revealed through obedience removes any fear of being enticed. All we need is to surrender our lives in wholehearted devotion to God.
I thank God that these smart conference coordinators made available a 24-hour prayer room for all conferene attendees!!! I am going to be on my knees in that room seeking God even if it means "sucking the concrete" to get there. Right now I am just seeking more that God would show me what it means to KNOW HIM WITH THE VEIL TORN. I've realized that so many times we allow "spiritual struggles" to rob us of these things, but I am determined to not be defeated and to surrender to Truth so that no lie may bind me. If the Word of God is the only thing that sets us free, the only thing that keeps us in bondage are lies. I pray that the Holy Spirit would just keep shining His Truth in areas of darkness until I am completely free. Praise God that "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus", and that He brings us from GLORY TO GLORY.

Amen!!! Lift us up in your prayers so that God will birth HIS KINGDOM into the next generation.

Oh yeah, WAIT! I forgot--I need to post a group picture!!! I can't forget to mention how happy I am to be reunited with my awesome Calvary braddahs and sistahs here in Cinci!!!

1 comment:

free said...

wow Erin, it's so good to hear your insight of what God is doing in you. I will agree with you that God will birth a fire in you and the team to reach your generation for Him!
