Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's up to me

Calvary Family,

Today really messed me up! The messages were not exorbitant nor extravagant, but it did provide me the encouragement and motivation that I needed. It's a long fight and every once in a while it's nice to have a little "pick-me up" like I got today. It did not show me something new, but it did confirm what's been in my heart all along. If I ever talked to you during a Missions Conference, you'll pretty much hear me say these words..."I don't need another message, I'm good and ready to go to war" and that's how I feel right now. So instead of writing down my thoughts I figure I'd show you prayer that I offered up during the altar times today and tonight:

Dear Lord,

You are my love and my life. It is you from where my help comes from.

You have equipped me, therefore, it's up to me!

I am blessed and cannot be cursed, therefore, it's up to me!

I am anointed and appointed, which means it's up to me!

I have authority from on high, therefore, it's up to me!

You have called me, therefore, it's up to me!

You have commisioned me, therefore, it's up to me!



I repent for reaching the "conveniently" lost and shunning the "inconveniently lost."

I repent for allowing Fear to cripple me and stop me, for you have...left it up to me!

No longer will I be a slave to fear, but instead a slave to righteousness and the Righteous One who has called me and chosen me.

Therefore God...

I will cry, I will try, and I will die. Not a death that is necessarily heroic, but one that takes place daily.

You are my Father and I love you and Fear ONLY You!


On a fun note, as you may have heard from the others. We had the opportunity to attend "Windows to the World" where we experience different Missions Fields. Man, it was done well and was really life-like. In one of them, the Eurasia "experience", I had a homosexual man come up and tell me that I'm very gorgeous and hold my hand. He then proceeded to ask why I'm here. I responded that I was for the "experience." After he asked if I was Muslim and I told him NO, I was a Christian. Immediately I went from being a gorgeous guy that he wanted to marry, into, A PRISONER!!!!

It was a pleasure to also catch up with Jhan and Iris Hurst and Dallas Hinds whom I'm sure many of you may remember. Dallas just spent a year overseas learning Spanish and will be spending his next two years in Argentina.

One more day to go!!! And we saw snow!!!

Mahalo for reading,


TWMS2 In Cincinnati - Day 2

Hey Everyone in Hawaii!! I hope everyone is having a Happy New Years 2009!! Still here in Cincinnati rolled in 2009 with a bunch of young people who are also on fire for the heart of God!

We got a chance to have lunch with some missionaries from El Salvador. They told us some of their experiences and how God has led them to do missions work there. Pray for the people there. There is so much war and hostility and dangers. Pray for the missionaries there, that God will keep them safe, and provide, and bless their works, that none shall perish, but come to know the Lord.

Also, we got to go to these workshop sessions called "Windows To The World," where different areas of the world have a room, and they put you through as real as an experience as possible on how it would be to go to that country/area.

One of the ones that we went to experience was Eurasia. This Window To The World was a CRAZY experience. Me and Dan got put into jail.

I was just standing around when someone with an open Bible in hand was being led to jail and was asked if I have any friends. This person pointed to me, and I was like, "Huh?", but the people there took hold of me and put me in Jail. (Dan just said openly that he was a Christian, that's why he went to jail) But, this showed me how real the world is, and how dangerous it can get. I also realized that, though it was a mock experience, will I really be able to be serious about the people in other places and sensitive to the culture of different areas? It's hard to say, but going through the Eurasia WTTW gave me a better perspective on how reality is outside of America.

Also, another message that God and the Holy Spirit was tugging at my heart on was, "What is the limits of my inconvienence?" He is always finding ways of stretching me to my limits. This time he is doing it, yet again, with how far I will go for Him. It's true that, when you pray for a servants heart, you get opportunities to be a servant.

For dinner, we got to sit with Glen, the campus pastor of Chi Alpha for Standford University. He was telling us all about the ministry there, and how it is very similar, yet also very different and challenging at the Standford University.

We also talked to Shawn, who is a campus pastor in a University in Spain. And, as we were praying in the night session to hear from God and to seek Him, He reminded me of the Chi Alpha ministries all across the world, and how they are making a difference in yound people's lives. Maybe He is hinting something to me??

All in all, it was a great day to hear from God. We got to see snow (the first time for myself) in the morning, as well as usher in the new years praising and worshiping God. (The first thing we did right after cheering for the new years was pray and worship God for what He did in 2008, and what He is going to do in 2009)

There's still one more day left, and I know God will continue to reveal His heart to me, so that I may know where He wants in my life, and to follow.

Stay tuned for more to come, and have a Happy New Years 2009 from Cincinnati!!


The Experience

by David Kau

What another great and glorius day at the world missions conference. Today was a very busy day. It started with a message from Zollie Smith and ended with some hip hop dancing.

Reverend Zollie Smith was the first african american speaker I have ever experience hearing a message from. He spoke with such power it scared me. His message was "it is up to you, to do something". That something was going on missions and using God's gift he given to us to help the lost.

Next up was a lunch with two missionaries from El Salvador. We met Bob and Zorel. Zorel was really quiet, while Bob was the talker. He told us how dangerous it is to live in El Salvador. Bob is a lifetime missionary and his father was too. He kind of just followed in his father's footsteps.

After lunch, the unique individual experience began. We had to break into individual sessions to explore different missions fields. My partner in crime was Erin.

We first went to the Northern Asia experience. This part of the world mainly dealt with nothern China, which is a place I have no experience with. My family is from the south and I know the south is more open to foreigners and Christianity. The North however is more communist and dislike foreigners and different religions. It would be a whole new experience to be a missionary there not knowing anyone and the language.

Our next stop was Latin America. I know how to speak a little Spanish, but it won't fly there. I learned about the Latin America Child Care missionaries who help children get a education in different parts of Latin America. I believe that education is very important and is the only way for third world countries to rise up and become major players in the world.

The last session we went to was the Asian pacific. Me and Erin decided to go to this session because of the Hurst family. We met and spoke with Jhan Hurst which to my new knowledge, is Rolly and Russ's uncle. Very interesting. The Hurst family really have their calling in Asian Pacific. Asian pacific also had the coolest slogan, can't be silenced. I must wear that shirt to church on Sunday.

Finally for the night gathering, Pastor Dick Brogden spoke. His message was clear and simple. There are two things that stops us from going on missions: fear and inconvience. I really do not have a problem with fear because I am a guy and going on a mission is like a adventure to me. I would relish it. However what stops me is my inconviences: my family and my job. In a way, they are both related. My family expects me to succeed at my job. If I just decided to just quit my job and go on a year long mission trip I think they would disown me. I need to continue to pray to the Holy Spirit for answers.

What a great day. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God. The night ended with a new year party. So:

Happy New Year!!!


TWMS2 - Day 2

The sessions held today were pretty awesome! A lot of emphasis was placed on Eurasia (places between Europe and Asia) and let me tell you, that "window to the world" was quite exciting! They made it feel as if you were really in the country. They handed you passports and if you didn't get it approved, you were thrown in jail! If you told people you were a Christian, you were thrown in jail. The market place they set up was crazy, too! People were constantly tugging at us, begging for money, trying to sell us business in fortune telling, and some were even trying to steal our bags!! Also, as you walk through the market place, you could see they were selling pigs' heads, sheep, and all other sorts of crazy items (things you'd probably find at chinatown.. hehe). It made me realize how spoiled U.S. citizens are. Our public streets are as chaotic as that. It's sad how people have to live life every day in fear of being robbed or being thrown in jail.

The message placed in the heart of our speaker this morning, Zollie Smith, really hit home for me. The general point of the message was that "it's up to you--to do something!" As I was sitting in service, I felt God speaking to me. I felt He was continuously telling me, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." So many times we sit through a missions conference, or some sort of conference, and we agree with our "amens" and "that's rights!" with the speaker at the pulpit that the world needs to be saved, the world needs Jesus, that we need to GO! and make disciples of ALL nations! Yet... more than half the people don't do anything about it. Everyone expects someone else to go into the missions field and reach the lost. But was not the great commission intended for EVERYONE to obey? It's up to us -- to do something! And when we do something, God will move. I want to challenge everyone to go out into the world and do something about it. You don't have to go to another country to do missions. We need to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth! Our missions field is EVERYWHERE.

As read in Donna's post, it snowed today! God is so good! We wanted to see snow (or at least I wanted to!) before we left but the forecast predicted that it wouldn't be cold enough to snow until Friday, which is the day we are to return home from the summit. But God is faithful and heard my prayer when I asked Him if He could show us some snow before we left! It was definitely a white (after) Christmas! :)

Miss you all! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday.

God bless,

Vindication...I think

I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad to say this, but the biggest thing I got out of today didn't really come out of the general sessions, but more out of the exhibits and "experiences there.

Before we come to that, I'm glad to report that we met up with Rev Jhan and Iris Hurst and had a great time catching up with them. "Sole" is gonna take on a whole new meaning.

We also met up with Dallas Hinds, who was at our previous Missions Conference. It was a great time talking story with him and seeing where God is taking him.

Okay, onto where God's taking me:

I heard a very interesting testimony today. Lemme insert the disclaimer here that I'm not trying to weasel out of missions or put anybody down by any means, and I'm sorta ranting my head off here trying to figure my thoughts out as I type them.

A young man gave a testimony about his journey into missions at the "International Missions" experience. What made his especially intriguing was the means and timing to which God called him, which was unusual(at least to me) in every sense of the word. While all the missions conferences, conventions, speakers seem to want to garner this commitment from me to go to missions NOW(there will be an altar call for those interested in committing to a one year missions trip and praying about a lifetime commitment tommorrow), this young man took a longer path. This young man had come back from a missions trip and had felt a tug on his heart, he couldn't stand to go back to school, and I guess the whole "daily grind" of regular life, and he longed to be back on the missions field. Now anybody else in this situation would've immediately dropped what they were doing, quit school, packed up and left. Everybody would've been behind him to do so, and probably would've even encouraged that behavior. Instead, this young man sought the counsel of the husband of our first night's speaker. The end result, he WAITED until he finished his education, got his degree, and then went back into the missions field.

How does this apply to me? As you know, I'm the type of guy that always has to count the costs. Call it heredity or habitat, but thats just how I am. I always hate(sorry for the strong use of the word) when I'm asked to rush into these commitments that can be life-changing. Maybe its because our church is so missions-minded, but I feel so much pressure being at this conference. I almost feel like a failure not being on my hands and knees weeping and sucking concrete at the World Missions Summit where I'm supposed to get "messed up". I feel like a failure every year at the Missions Conference where I can't quite check off a box on the missions trips I'm interested in. I feel like if I don't come back to Calvary a full-fledged gungho missionary, then I somehow failed everyone who sacrificed their hard-earned money sending me there.

Did God stir up something in the last Calvary AoG Missions Conference for the first time? Most definitely. Too bad nobody ever asked me. Too bad that for once I actually ended the missions conference on a positive note. Too bad that the devil took that and totally wrecked the whole experience for me within a few hours of the conference ending. Too bad I took that dream and stuffed it back down where I thought it belonged. Enter M.E.

Medical Evangelism(M.E.) re-awakened that dream in me. A few of us with backgrounds and educations in the health care field went to visi their booth in the convention hall. This is exactly what I had been hoping for. I wasn't able to get much information, but I'm sure the degree I'm working towards can be put to good use there. As much as I hated God for it, it took me quite a long time to finally get accepted into the Dietetics program here at UH. It's no coincidence that in that same semester I would be taking a food/animal/human ethics course that featured a case study in which an RD went with an organization into a foreign country to help those in need. It's no coincidence that during that same semester our church hosted Pastor Bijuu Thampy. I managed to talk to him for a few minutes on Halloween before he left. I was curious as to how he managed all the food he fed to people, and he mentioned that they worked with a few dieticians! Right then and there I decided that I wanted to do something along those lines, maybe even work with Pastor Bijuu himself. But when?

Hearing the testimony today was great vindication for me. I learned that I didn't have to immediatly jump on the bandwagon, that its okay for me to wait and finish what I need to finish in terms of my degree before I go out to do work in the missions field. I don't have to feel like a failure. God's ordering my steps.

Hoping to learn more about Medical Missions,
I'm not perfect, just forgiven.

edit: just realized I didn't even mention the "Eurasia Experience". If I had to sum it up, it left me with my eyes wide open as just to how ill-prepared I actually am for this sorta thing. I got so disoriented with people tugging on me and my bags, pushing me around, trying to talk to me, asking me for money, trying to sell me prostitutes, that I sorta just froze and shuffled my way to the seating area. Not very missionary-like huh?

edit 2: forgot to mention that we had lunch with Bob Buenos and Glen(darn forgot his last name). Very blessed.

The Journey to Eurasia and North Asia

Through today's conference, we were able to sit down and talk to real-life missionaries over a meal and experience a journey through different parts of the world. After the sessions today (especially the Eurasia experience), I had realized that I was not so bold and courageous in evangelism after all. I was telling God, "I guess I can't go everywhere you tell me to go." I guess I still faced a fear of rejection and unknown. However, I know that as I offer these fears and failures of mines, God will be honored, and it doesn't make me less capable of doing His work. We're all a working progress and I am totally opened to having God form me and mold me into being the servant that He has planned for me to be!

P.S I saw snow for the FIRST time this morning! You could imagine how crazy I looked as I was dancing in the snow =)

TWMS - Day 1

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hey all!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a soon to be new years :] As you all have probably read already, our trip started off a little rocky. It's funny how the devil tries hard to prevent good things from happening.. or at least attempt to. I believe the devil is trying to use different methods to get the best of each of us, but I'm proud to say that it's not really working.

The night of our flight, (before it got cancelled/delayed-ish) a little mishap occurred.. As you can see from the picture above, I am in slight pain. No, it is not black nail polish. But, I did manage to slam a car door on my thumb. Looks lovely, right? Not only was there an enormous blackout in Hawaii, but I get my finger smashed, and on top of that our flight gets cancelled. While sleeping over at church I chuckled to myself and thought, "Devil, you do whatever you want but you won't prevail because God's on my side :]" I think that made him a little angry because the next day people were running into my finger left and right. But it's okay. God is still good and the bible tells us to give thanks under ALL circumstances. God is amazing and a little smashed finger, a black out, and a cancelled flight won't keep this team from doing amazing things for our amazing God!!

Flying to Seattle and seeing the Cho family was a blast. They asked me to tell you all "HI!!!" and that they miss you all! They're keeping Calvary in their prayers and hope to come back to Hawaii soon (at least to visit, and maybe move back).

Most of the stress was released when we FINALLY arrived in Cincinnati. Exploring Cincinnati was fun but the conference that happened tonight was incredible! It was definitely an awesome way to kick off a conference. Walking into the convention center blew my mind. It was breath taking to see how many people love God! And although everyone comes from different places, they have all decided to spend the week in Cincinnati, under one roof, praising God together. It's always amazing when you can praise God with your fellow brothers an sisters. The worship was awesome. You could feel the Holy Spirit moving so heavily in the room!! But I must admit, I was quite disappointed when worship ended. I felt like I still had so much more to offer God! The speaker herself could sense that the crowd wasn't ready to sit down! BUT, it's okay because I think that actually left the crowd hungry for MORE.

Our speaker spoke about different signs that we must be aware of and what spoke to me most was when she spoke about truth. Although the world makes something SOUND like truth, it doesn't necessarily mean that it IS truth. We need to be careful what truths we allow to direct our lives. That's just a taste of what's going on here. Ohhh!! I also wanted to tell you all that it is AWESOME to see so many young people at this conference. It's great to see people so on fire for the Lord. On our way back to the hotel from a gathering, I saw one of the girls praying for a homeless sitting out on the street. That was amazing. God is already doing things through the people here. We're going to turn this world UPSIDE DOWN AND INSIDE OUT for our God!! I'm excited for what's to come.

God is good all the time
and all the time, God is good.

What a blessing tonight's service was!
Worship was great, "Mighty To Save" has never hit me like I did. One of my biggest fears with missions has always been about me not being worthy, whether I was good enough for Him to use. But my prayer was that which was said in the song, "Take me as you find me, all my fears and failures..."
After heated arguments regarding psychology today with the bro(the blood bro), the message was really spot on with me tonight, especially the first two points.

Caution: Good and Caution: Truth
It is so very true that throughout history(and probably for the rest of history), God's "good" will always be questioned. How many times do we think we know better? Or that His way is antiquated and not relevant to today's reality? Would most of us side with Judas at the woman's perfume annointing in that the perfume could've been sold and so much more be done with that money? The fact is that God's definition of what is "good" is gonna be different from what the world tells us is "good".
The same goes for "truth". In the story of Paul, he comes across a woman that is praising him and giving him all sorts of props for the work he is doing through God. But does Paul decide to throw himself a sympathy party? No, instead he decides to cast a demon out of her. Paul realized that words can be "spoken in truth" but not by the "Spirit of truth".
As goes with "good", we have to watch out what "truths" we follow to see whether they are from God or not. God is looking for a generation that knows God's goodness and truth.
Looking forward to things to come,
"I'm not perfect, just forgiven"

Day 1

Posting for David Kau:


Today was the first day we had a gathering for the missions conference, which is when we have service. Tonight speaker was a Missionary from Arizona named Crystal Martin. I think she is a Pastor also.

My first reaction when I got into the sanctionary was Wow! I have never been to a AoG conference and seeing. All those people tonight I knew I will be totally blessed from tonights message.

Crystal's message totally hit me in the right place. There is only two paths in life: the easy wide road that leads to destuction/hell or the narrow road that is tough to follow that leads to peace/heaven. In order to stay on this path I have to avoid/be careful of 5 cautions. 1. Be careful with the word good. 2. Caution with the word truth which only comes from God. 3. Caution with praises from men. You don't need honor/recognition for the things you do like giving food to the hungry. 4. Caution with Pay toll. America's greatest asset is money and we think that throwing money at a problem will solve it instead of actually going out to do something about it.

5. Finally the last caution really hits me which is One Way. I need to hate sin with all my heart instead of letting it be. My biggest sin is lying. At work, I think I lie about 10+ a day. They are mainly small lies that hurts no one, but I need to stop. One way also means to thank the blessor (God) and not the blessing. I am always thanking the wrong person from things that happen in my life. God is the one that makes things happen and he should receive all my thanks. Finally One way means to avoid gluttney. Growing up in america makes me want more things and money. God does not care what I have in my life. I should only have what I need and stop wanting unnessarily things likes a playstation 3.

Wow we went over a lot tonight and I can't wait till tomorrow gatherings. Tonight really made me analyze my life and made me think about what road I am heading down. I must follow God's way and stay on his path.


It's Only the Beginning...

So after much prayer last night, Dan, Dus and I finally retrieved our bags. God is awesome!

Tonight was the first session of the World Missions Summit. Events usually end with a big bang, but this conference started with a big bang. I believe that this conference will end with an even GREATER BANG!

The two missions themes that I have been constantly encountering are "It's not about me, but it's up to me" and "Everyone goes, everyone gives, and everyone prays." The heart and passion for missions is not only for a select few, but rather, it is for every one who is called a child of God. If it wasn't for someone who took missions seriously, some of us may not have had an opportunity to hear the message of Christ and receive the gift of salvation. Though some may not be called to become full time missionaries, we are still to be missionaries in our family and marketplaces.

In tonight's conference, our speaker had warned us of five things we had to be cautious and alert of. (If you really want to know those five points, I'll give you the notes when I get back) Though the message was inspiring, there was one thing that really convicted my heart. In 2 Chron. 7:14, God says, "If my people .. will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Our speaker pointed out that God is an "if and then" person; meaning that IF something is done, THEN something will happen. However, we are the "when" type of people; always asking God when something will happen. I've always been asking God, "God, when will the numbers come? When will I witness the miracles? When will all the people of Hawaii bow down to you in worship? When? When?" In 2 Chron. 7:14, God says these things will occur, but only IF something is done. At the end of the conference I had to ask myself, "Had I been doing my part? Had I been humbling myself in prayer, seeking His face, and turning from my wicked ways?" I just had to go to God and ask for forgiveness. It was not God who had been delaying these miracles and salvations.. I was. Sometimes it seems as if we only knew how to present a request to God. It is not that God does not want to answer those prayers, but He is simply reminding us that He is not someone that we should run to only in times of need.

I know that this conference is not only changing my life, but the lives of thousands of young adults have been moved by the power and Spirit of God. After the gathering, we were all invited to a reception at Fountain Square for ice skating (in an OUTSIDE rink!!). The amazing thing was seeing two young adults offering food and prayer to two homeless people on the streets. God is at work already!

I (well Dan, actually) bought me this bracelet from one of the exhibits at the World Missions Summit. Erin and I got these bracelets from the Project Rescue booth, and proceeds go to helping save children and teenagers from human trafficking in India. As I wear this bracelet, I will be reminded to pray for Project Rescue in India.

It's Only the Beginning...

After much prayer last night, Dan, Dus and I finally retrieved our bags. God is awesome!

Tonight was the first session of the World Missions Summit.

Day One: Cautions

Aloha to Calvary from the former Hawaiian and now Wisconsinite, me!
I am first and foremost thankful for God's continuous faithfulness in ordaining each of my steps. His grace abounds in our lives. Now that the first night is done, I am incredibly grateful that God brought me here, because if not I would have missed out BIG TIME! Wow, did God speak, and wow, did God leave us with a great responsibility to obey what He spoke. I came not knowing what to expect, but I just know that I am willing and determined to not seek a blessing, but the Blesser.
The main thing that God has placed in my heart is that I do have a responsibility in my generation to do what He has called me to do as a servant of Christ, and that in my responsibility, my own feelings or desires in life are disregarded. As Jesus said, whoever desires to follow Him must take up their cross daily and follow Him. We do not serve the Father as we feel and as we desire, but as we see the Father doing. The essential message that I received through tonight's speaker were things that we need to be cautious of in these last days so that we may see by faith our calling to cross over as the next generation's warriors. Through the Word of God delivered tonight, God shined His light on areas in my life which are fleshly that need to be sacrified at the altar so that I die, God lives, and so that God may be glorified, His name lifted high, where all men can then be drawn unto Him. Although the message left me on my knees with tears flowing down my face at the end, God faithfully gave a word of knowledge to everyone at the close of the conference: "If you will get rid of those things which take up space in your life (in place of God), I will replace it with the anointing." As I continue to seek after Jesus, the more I am understanding the power of His word and that where His spirit is, there is truly freedom. Our enemy has already been defeated and we truly need not live in fear of being defeated anymore. He is Jehovah Nissi.

To quote Crystal Martin-tonight's conference speaker-on many notes:
  • "God is looking for a people who desire to celebrate not our own goodness, but His Goodness. Good deeds outside of a relationship with God lead to self-righteousness and pride."
  • "God is looking for a people that can discern between the seductive nature of words that sound like truth but are not spoken by the spirit of Truth from Truth."

  • "God is looking for a people who are not fed nor led by the praises of men. If you are fed and led by the praises of men, you will only get where men want you to go and not where God wants you to go."

As I soaked those words in, I was thoughtless inside. It took captive untruth and simply left the Truth ringing in my spirit. I have much anticipation for what God will continue to do in my heart and in all of our hearts collectively. I feel a strong desire that God would lead us all to repentance so that we will be a generation that CARRIES HIS FLAME on over to those whose care God has entruseted to us! I have faith in His word above my fears and failures.

Another thing that God spoke prophetically through tonight's speaker were three things that are hindering the American Church from intimacy with God:
1) Gluttony--in spending, eating, and technology (we fill and satisfy ourselves with these things rather than the things of His spirit)

2) Infatuation with the blessing/gift rather than love for the Blesser/Giver (we want to know His hand but not His heart)

3) No hatred for sin/wickedness ("Oh, it's okay if you sin. Just join a support group! God will get you through it" Flesh sensitivity above Spirit sensitivity)
When the speaker revealed to us what God had revealed to her, it made me more wary and cautious of the spirits that dwell in this land, which are warring to deform the Church. I am well aware that these spirits will not be merciful to me, nor any of us, so I must refrain from taking God's words lightheartedly because these spirits will take advantage of every vulnerability that I turn to bandage in the world instead of GOD. The Holy Spirit is the Wonderful Counselor and our greatest Comforter. Despite the fear in knowing the consequences of disobedience, the knowledge of God revealed through obedience removes any fear of being enticed. All we need is to surrender our lives in wholehearted devotion to God.
I thank God that these smart conference coordinators made available a 24-hour prayer room for all conferene attendees!!! I am going to be on my knees in that room seeking God even if it means "sucking the concrete" to get there. Right now I am just seeking more that God would show me what it means to KNOW HIM WITH THE VEIL TORN. I've realized that so many times we allow "spiritual struggles" to rob us of these things, but I am determined to not be defeated and to surrender to Truth so that no lie may bind me. If the Word of God is the only thing that sets us free, the only thing that keeps us in bondage are lies. I pray that the Holy Spirit would just keep shining His Truth in areas of darkness until I am completely free. Praise God that "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus", and that He brings us from GLORY TO GLORY.

Amen!!! Lift us up in your prayers so that God will birth HIS KINGDOM into the next generation.

Oh yeah, WAIT! I forgot--I need to post a group picture!!! I can't forget to mention how happy I am to be reunited with my awesome Calvary braddahs and sistahs here in Cinci!!!

Day One

Well our luggage did get in...JUST ON TIME! Praise the Lord! Talk about a Missions Trip, just to get to The World Missions Summit. God has definitely taught me to rely on him, not my possessions and how to be a good administrator due to all of the last minute changes. God has really been in control.

The first day was an awesome start. If it started this good, I can't even begin to imagine what will take place in the days come. God only takes us from glory to glory, so it'll only get better.

Donna got a very cute bracelet that was made from a "rescued slave girl" from India, but I'll let her talk to you more about it.

The message tonight was prophetic and brought me to tears. A couple of things that hit me:

1) Without the presence, nobody hears from God.

If nobody goes...then nobody hears. A missionary went on to tell the story of how his family had a war with witchdoctors and how his family was cursed. One of his daughter couldn't speak for a week and the other had major headaches. Their first night there, they were attacked by an army of rats (twice!), he even had the mosquito net that was around their bed to prove it. He then was given the opportunity to take over another church, but he declined, because if there isn't presence there, nobody would hear. What kind of presence am I bringing to the community, the state, and the World? I've been asking myself that ever since.

2) Silver and Gold we do have, but do we have Jesus.

This was taken from the passage of the Bible where Peter was passing by the gate and there was a beggar on the side of hit. Peter didn't have any Silver or Gold but he DID have Jesus to give the beggar.

The speaker went on to say that the American church is known around the world for giving to Missions or giving their "silver and gold." But what we Americans seem to fail at is that when we run out of money or finances we aren't even able to give JESUS! Or for better application for myself, we give away the silver and gold because we do have it, but fail to give Jesus!

3) That I need to build God's Kingdom and not focus on building MY Kingdom.

Being a cell leader and youth leader, we are constantly brainstorming and finding ways to build the youth group and of course impact the kingdom. However, I need to focus on building God's kingdom and trust God to take care of my kingdom.

GOING OFF OF THE THEME FOR OUR MISSIONS CONFERENCE and the focus of the largest Chi Alpha group in the US....


Aloha from Cincinnati!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Arriving At The World Missions Summit 2 in Cincinnati

To quote Dan on Twitter, "Three delays, one flight cancellation, and three lost luggage. God is still in control."

Man, that was a looong trip! So it started out to be a rough start, but we eventually ended up here in Cincinnati in one piece. As mentioned, not everything made it here with us, but the missing luggage will show up. I mean, c'mon, God is not gonna let Dan, Donna, and Dustin go without clothing and other things right?!? Definately not, because we believe He is our provider.

Stay tuned for more updates on TWMS2! Myself and everyone else here is definately getting excited about what God will do and reveal to us here! Please keep us in prayer.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Greetings from Pastor Cho

Hello Calvary Family,

We just got done spending a day with "The Cho's." They are doing really well and sends a warm Aloha!

It was great going with them to church and just reconnecting! We are a couple of hours from departing for Cincinnati! I can feel a Spirit of anticipation rising within each of us! We are focused on getting all that we can from the World Missions Summit! Stay tuned for thoughts and things we've received from the teachings and preachings!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leavin' on a Jet Plane.. again

Hey everyone.

So because of the blackout last night, we weren't able to get onto our flight. As a result, our flight had been rescheduled to today at 10 45 AM.

Continue to keep us in prayer. We're praying (and fasting) that the weather will not hinder us from attending the World Missions Summit that God had intended for us to go to. We'll continue to keep you guys updated.

Friday, December 26, 2008

We're Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Hey Calvary Family,

As I write this, we are preparing to leave for the World Missions Summit in Cincinnati tonight! We are all really excited and appreciate your prayers! Stay tuned for more blogs/videos from our team!



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

World Missions Summit !!!

PTL we have a Team of 7 (Danford, Dustin, Donna, Kelley, David K, Alan Y, Erin W) who will be in Cincinnati for the World Missions Summit Dec 30-Jan01. They will be reporting about their experiences and how God is speaking to them on this BLOG. Please pray for the team that God will speak into their lives and they will be open to Him. Stay tuned for team updates from Cincinnati on this BLOG !

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The December 2008 Missions Updates are here !

Read about Jesus-our Greatest Missionary; Letters from Rev Abraham and Sarah Liu, Rev Jackson from Teen Challenge.

Friday, October 10, 2008

October Missions Update Newsletter is here !

Read about what the Lord is doing in Chi Alpha Hawaii Chapter as well as Canaan Community Gospel Center's Report of God Grace and Mercy to the Chinese Immigrants !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2008 Missions Conference is Coming Oct. 25-27, 2008 (Sa-Mo) !!!

This year will mark our 5th Anniversary of Calvary's Missions Conference. This year's theme is "Everyone", and with all of our hearts, we want "Everyone" to know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have incredible speakers lined up to challenge you to make His Last Command, your First Priority. For more information and to register online, please go to: or you could email freeman at Also, we will be giving out a limited "Everyone" themed pin for the first 50 registrants ! Hope to see Everyone there !

(click to enlarge)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 2008 Calvary Missions Update is here !

Read about the Huffmans in France and our upcoming Missions Conference Oct 24-26 (Sat-Mon).

PTL for Calvary's Donation to China Earthquake Relief !

An Anonymous Donor from Calvary felt led to donate $5,000 towards Convoy of Hope's China Earthquake Relief in Sichuan Province. Praise God for this family's obedience and generosity; because of their gift, they are building into lives that will be made of "Gold, Silver, Precious Stones" that will never be destroyed again !

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jesus Said: "My House will be called a House of Prayer for the Nations."

Please continue to pray for our missionaries / missions project all around the world. See column at right under "Prayer Points" and pick a nation to pray for.

August Missions Update Newsletter is Here !

Read about Jhan & Iris Hurst's Radio Show "Just Think a Minute" and Calvary new missionary in Austria. See August Newsletter as well as access previous editions at right column...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Calvary's Very Own Bookstore in Fuzhou China !

Living Waters Bookstore - Calvary Branch Fuzhou China

Click on right column in lower right column under "Calvary Other Related Links" for Calvary's very own Bookstore's website in Fuzhou China:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2008 East Timor June Missions

Please see our slide show on the right entitled "2008 East Timor June Missions" report.

Please continue to pray for our East Timor Team from Calvary and 1st Assembly...
Erik and Michelle Nelson
Sheldon Chee
Pastor Sam & Lorna
Please Specifically pray for...

•Pray that the people will not fall into religious deception
•Pray that Timor will be healed from the wounds of her past
•Pray that Timor will taste and see the wonders of God’s mighty love
•Pray for the team as they enter a new phase of spiritual warfare: pray against the curses spoken against the land, the spirit of idolatry, poverty, disease, fear, pride and against sexual immorality.
•Pray for Team Unity, strength and wisdom
•Pray for Timor to Transform spiritually, economically, socially, politically and educationally.

Praise the Lord that the Village Chief's son just got saved ! Let's pray for more salvations to come in the village of Luro !

Monday, July 28, 2008

2008 China Missions July Highlights

China Team: Sis Vicky, Amy, Sue, Allen, Ariel, Freeman, Bro Leong, Sis Leong (Total: 8)

Sis Vicky led the team with sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. Emphasizing on what God has put in our hands for this trip. He has put..

Healing in our hands…
Prayed for Pas and Sis Sheh of Light & Love School (family that was burned), although no immediate results, we did notice and confirmed by Sis Sheh that God has been healing her since we prayed for her last Oct 2007. Signs of her healing included smoother complexion on face and other body parts, leather hands turned to softer hands. We are trusting in her complete healing

along with her son ! Please continue to pray for the family.

Prayed for healing Rev Ho (head of all churches in Wuhan) and comfort for the lost of her little one not too long ago.Prayed for healing after service at Thanksgiving Church in Wuhan.
Prayed for healing for all the kids that were there at the Agape Family House.
Prayer in our hands…
Prayed for Rev Ho’s husband to take the spiritual lead in the family while the wife is sick and for comfort and strength.

Prayed for various Government churches for growth, restoration (snow-Damaged church and Calvary helped to support in Jou San), expansion.

Prayed for UR Café and MS Christian Bookstore in Beijing and Langfang as a place that God will use to bring more people unto Himself.

Prayed for Hubei Province as our Hotel in Wuhan was just in front of the Provincial Government Building.

Prayed for 1st Christianity Graduate School with the 1st graduating class in Wuhan University.
Prayed for strength and anointing for Rev Wang (Hubei Province Church Chairman & wife Rev Guo (Senior Pastor of Thanksgiving Church in Wuhan), Amy even prophesized over Rev Guo !

Prayed for the new Hubei Christian Council President: Rev Zhu.

Prayed for new Vineyard Project in the country side where they will build a church and evangelize the surrounding villagers/farmers and invite them to come. It will also serve as a retreat and training center. Fruits and vegetables will be grown and the proceeds could go towards the Pastors retirement fund. We visited the first one that has been opened for about a year where fruits and vegetables and flourishing and a church building has just been built. Also, Ark School students will be going there for a month to do a short term missions work and evangelize to surrounding farmers/villagers.
Prayed for the new location of the Ark School in the countryside about 1 hour’s drive from where they are now. The land has been bought, and they are ready to draw out the plans to build. Ark School just celebrated their 10th Anniversary where about 1/3 of the graduates enter seminary and/or work as full time church workers. Evangelism in our hands…
Using Sermons, testimonies, “Everything” Skit, English Corners, University lectures, salvation color bracelets, tracts, and personal relationships, a total of 52 people made decisions for the Lord
29 at Thanksgiving Church Altar Call after Sis Vicky preached and our team gave testimonies. 15 University Students in Langfang after our “Everything” Skit followed by an altar call Others included:
our English Tour Guide, Bus Driver Waitresses/Waiters/Cook at UR Café, village mom, other Langfang University students, etc.,
The great thing is that all of the ones saved at the Thanksgiving church will be followed up by the discipleship program and the Langfang students that were saved will be followed up by the Bookstore/Café Manager and her Christian staff.

Other Highlights...
· Great to have Sis Vicky as our spiritual leader. She prepared us spiritually everyday and led us by example. Her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit prepared us really well.
· Great to see Amy stepping up as Leader of Logistics in Training, I am confident she is able and will do a good job on our next China Missions.
· Great to see Amy ministering with her parents. Her parents expressed they were proud of her and her growth over the years.
· Ariel's attitude, her willingness to try different things, her outgoing energetic and magnetic personality went way beyond our expectations. She is mature beyond her years. And at 16, she even initiated and pushed us to practice and encouraged us to do well in our play. Her Hula dancing really broke the ice for us and the audience. It was great to see her growth over the last 13 days.
· Great to see Allen’s heart…a University student whom he led to the Lord last October returned to see him. He put his love into action along with our team members by helping her with her upcoming Senior year’s tuition!
· Rev Guo invited us to bring High School Youths in early July 2009 to do a English Camp where we could totally use the Bible/Christianity as the text.
· Great to see the first Christianity Graduate School held at Wuhan University, the first of it’s kind in a government top notch University.
· Calvary Missions was able to financially support the Light and Love School & Calvary Missions was able to financially support 30 Seminary Students in Wuhan
· Calvary Missions was able to financially support the ML Bookstore and UR Café in Langfang where the funds were greatly needed. According to the owner and manager, our support was a sign from God to continue the work in Langfang. If our support didn’t come from us and other sources, they would probably close down the bookstore/café this summer. It was a definite answer to prayer!
· Great to see the Agape House’s Bakery up and running with the older foster girls learning valuable life skills.
· Great to see Sue stepping up in taking the authority of the Lord to pray for the sick and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.
· Great to hear from Rev Guo to Sis Vicky that we lay people have more power and faith in prayer than the pastors she knows in China. All Glory be to God !God loves China and the Harvest is ready. Please pray to be a laborer in this exciting and open harvest. Please also continue to pray for China and all the things that Calvary is doing there.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

PTL ! $10,000 Raised for Myanmar (Convoy of Hope)

We thank the Lord and all of you Calvary who has given your offering to help the relief efforts in Myanmar through the AG Ministry of "CONVOY OF HOPE" !

Calvary through your love offerings, the Missions Funds along with a generous Calvary Donor who matched Calvary's Donations the last 2 weeks. We were able to raise $10,000 for Myanmar ! Please continue to pray for God's love and mercy on the people in Myanmar.