Missions Trip Training for 2011
Gideonite 1 Training required for Long Term Brazil Missionaries; other short term missionaries are strongly encouraged to attend
1st Assembly of God (Red Hill)
Sundays 400p-545p
Jan 16
Jan 23
Jan 30
Feb 06
Feb 13
Feb 20
Feb 27
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Rolland and Heidi Baker Inspires Calvary at Empowering Weekend Sep 4-5, 2010 !!!
The Bakers were our guest speakers as they challenged Calvary to...
*Seek to Live a Supernatural Life and not just a natural one.
*Preach the Word and Signs and Wonders will follow.
*Preach the Word and Signs and Wonders will follow.
*Remember that 90% of our Christian walk is about allowing God to build His Character in us, which is the Fruit of the Spirit.
*Remember that We are Sons and Daughters and God wants to shake the world with our little lives.
*Remember that We are Sons and Daughters and God wants to shake the world with our little lives.
*Know Our Job is to Love
*Realize God's Radical Love is after You.
*Remember The Body of Christ needs to be like family.
*Remember We need a revelation of who we are and we could ask anything in His name.
2010 September Updates are Here !
Updates from Gidget in Thailand and "A Tract a Month Campaign" 9.12.10

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Missionary to Columbia: Rev Paul Robinson in the House !
June/July Missions Updates !

Check out Krystal's City Impact Missions Trip Journal and Sue's Mozambique Missions Trip Journal. You'll be inspired and blessed !
City Impact,
Heidi Baker,
Iris Ministries,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Robert and Racquel Suarez at Calvary
AG Missionaries to Northern Ireland Robert & Racquel Suarez was ministering in Calvary on 4/18/10. We got to hear their hearts for church planting and training up Pastors in Northern Ireland. Robert and Racquel are only the 2nd AG missionaries ever to be in Northern Ireland. God has put together this dynamic duo to break strongholds of alcoholism, gambling and sexual promiscuity and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to this predominately Catholic Nation. Calvary is privileged to support the Suarezs and let's continue to pray for them.
For more info, check out www.irelandag.org
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Rev Steve and Glenda Evans in the House !
What an great time we had with Rev Steve and Glenda Evans from the Africa Oasis Project this morning ! They are bringing both physical water (H2O) and Living Water (Jesus) to thousands all across Africa. Their faithfulness and dedication for God's service and love for the people of Africa for the past 30 years were inspiring. We here at Calvary count it a privilege to support the Evans' ministry. Please continue to pray them Calvary !
For more info, check out their blog at: http://www.steveglendaevans.blogspot.com/
For more into on the African Oasis Project: http://www.africaoasisproject.org/
Please Pray for Thailand and Gidget
Dear Calvary Assembly of God,
For a few weeks now, the red shirts (who are Thai people) have been rallying trying to get the current prime minister out of office. At this point, nothing has happened and he remains in office. What started out as peaceful marches and rallies have now started to get violent and people are getting hurt and killed. Please pray for Thailand. I am safe and staying away from those areas where the rallies are.
Attached is an article from BBC news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8613943.stm
Thank you for your prayers!
Gidget Agapito =)
Campus Minister Every Nation Ministries
For a few weeks now, the red shirts (who are Thai people) have been rallying trying to get the current prime minister out of office. At this point, nothing has happened and he remains in office. What started out as peaceful marches and rallies have now started to get violent and people are getting hurt and killed. Please pray for Thailand. I am safe and staying away from those areas where the rallies are.
Attached is an article from BBC news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8613943.stm
Thank you for your prayers!
Gidget Agapito =)
Campus Minister Every Nation Ministries
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Upcoming 2010 Missions Trips
2010 Missions Trips
China (Cantonese) Missions Trip (April 21-May 4)
Africa (Mozambique) Missions Trip (June 3-13)
China (Mandarin) Missions Trip (June 14-26)
Africa (Mozambique) & China (Mandarin) Trip (June 3-26)
City Impact (San Francisco) Missions Trip (July 2-9)
Japan Missions Trip (September 13-22)
Please see Freeman Cheung our Missions Director (freecheung@gmail.com) for more information and see the section on the right column on how to prepare for the trip(s) and the commitment that is required.
City Impact,
Missions Trips,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Next GEN in 2010 !

Our Senior Pastor, Pastor Terry shared the vision of the House for 2010: Next GEN in 2010 !
Pas Terry shared with Calvary that God has always been interested in generations.
God is a God of generations as He told Moses in Exodus 3:6, “…I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.”
This generational designation of God reveals how He wants to reach to the NEXT GEN.
Psalm 78:4
“We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the NEXT GENERATION the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”
“We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the NEXT GENERATION the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”
Therefore in 2010, Calvary will be reaching out to the Next Generation of Youth and Young Adults as well as a Generation of New Believers in our Community and our World !
2009 Missions Report
2009 Missions Report
Praise the Lord for another incredible year of Calvary Missions. This year, the Missions Advisory Team was established to oversee Calvary’s World and Home Missions work. The Team consisted of Pastor Terry Wong, Erik & Michelle Nelson, Amy Leong, Freeman & Sue Cheung. By His Spirit and Strength, the following Missions Goals were set forth in the beginning of 2009:
2009 Calvary Missions Goals
1) Raise over $225,000 in Missions Faith Pledges…
In 2009, Calvary pledged over $327,000 for Foreign and Home Missions !
2) Complete the planting of a church in East Timor
In April 2009, Calvary’s very own Missionaries Erik and Michelle Nelson returned after 15 months in East Timor. God used this team along with Sheldon Chee (who returned Dec2008) to bring many salvations and disciples unto Himself. Weekly services are now being held in the village of Luro as well as other nearby villages. Please continue to pray for East Timor !
3) Continue to Plant and Support Churches in India…
In 2009, in partnership with New India Church of God and under the leadership of Pastor Biju Thampy, Calvary was honored to sow into sponsoring 20 Indian Pastors to plant churches in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. Because of Calvary’s support, thousands of lives were changed for the Glory of the God!
4) Build a “City of Refuge” in India
In 2009, Calvary helped build a “City of Refuge”, a multi purpose structure that serves as an orphanage, a parsonage, a Bible training center and a church in the city of Jagdalpur.
5) Continue to Plant and Support Churches in China…
In 2009, Calvary continued to support various churches, a university Christian bookstore & Cafe, a Special Needs Orphanage, and a Migrant School for needy children. We believe the harvest is ready in China and we as a church want to be a part of what God is doing there.
6) Continue Calvary Scholarship Seminary Program in China…
In 2009, Calvary continued to provide scholarships to 21 Seminary Students in Wuhan, China.
7) Continue to support and expand current Missionaries and Missions Projects in 2009…
New support in 2009:
City Impact San Francisco (Roger Huang)
San Francisco City Academy (Sponsoring 6 needy elementary students)
Home Missions (Expanding Home Community Projects)
8) Go on a minimum of 4 Short Term International Missions Trips and 1 Home Missions Trip…
East Timor (April – 2 participants)
San Francisco Extreme (October – 5 participants)
China - Guangzhou (June-8 participants)
District Missions Trip to Belgium (October–2 participants)
San Francisco Extreme (June – 9 participants)
Nepal / India – (November – 1 participant)
I challenge you Calvary to continue to give of you time, talents and treasures to the Lord because when we place it in the Master’s hand, He will use it to change our Community and the World for His Glory !
Taking Him to Everyone, Everywhere, Everyway,
Freeman Cheung
Missions Director
Praise the Lord for another incredible year of Calvary Missions. This year, the Missions Advisory Team was established to oversee Calvary’s World and Home Missions work. The Team consisted of Pastor Terry Wong, Erik & Michelle Nelson, Amy Leong, Freeman & Sue Cheung. By His Spirit and Strength, the following Missions Goals were set forth in the beginning of 2009:
2009 Calvary Missions Goals
1) Raise over $225,000 in Missions Faith Pledges…
In 2009, Calvary pledged over $327,000 for Foreign and Home Missions !
2) Complete the planting of a church in East Timor
In April 2009, Calvary’s very own Missionaries Erik and Michelle Nelson returned after 15 months in East Timor. God used this team along with Sheldon Chee (who returned Dec2008) to bring many salvations and disciples unto Himself. Weekly services are now being held in the village of Luro as well as other nearby villages. Please continue to pray for East Timor !
3) Continue to Plant and Support Churches in India…
In 2009, in partnership with New India Church of God and under the leadership of Pastor Biju Thampy, Calvary was honored to sow into sponsoring 20 Indian Pastors to plant churches in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. Because of Calvary’s support, thousands of lives were changed for the Glory of the God!
4) Build a “City of Refuge” in India
In 2009, Calvary helped build a “City of Refuge”, a multi purpose structure that serves as an orphanage, a parsonage, a Bible training center and a church in the city of Jagdalpur.
5) Continue to Plant and Support Churches in China…
In 2009, Calvary continued to support various churches, a university Christian bookstore & Cafe, a Special Needs Orphanage, and a Migrant School for needy children. We believe the harvest is ready in China and we as a church want to be a part of what God is doing there.
6) Continue Calvary Scholarship Seminary Program in China…
In 2009, Calvary continued to provide scholarships to 21 Seminary Students in Wuhan, China.
7) Continue to support and expand current Missionaries and Missions Projects in 2009…
New support in 2009:
City Impact San Francisco (Roger Huang)
San Francisco City Academy (Sponsoring 6 needy elementary students)
Home Missions (Expanding Home Community Projects)
8) Go on a minimum of 4 Short Term International Missions Trips and 1 Home Missions Trip…
East Timor (April – 2 participants)
San Francisco Extreme (October – 5 participants)
China - Guangzhou (June-8 participants)
District Missions Trip to Belgium (October–2 participants)
San Francisco Extreme (June – 9 participants)
Nepal / India – (November – 1 participant)
I challenge you Calvary to continue to give of you time, talents and treasures to the Lord because when we place it in the Master’s hand, He will use it to change our Community and the World for His Glory !
Taking Him to Everyone, Everywhere, Everyway,
Freeman Cheung
Missions Director
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