Sunday, June 1, 2008

PTL ! $10,000 Raised for Myanmar (Convoy of Hope)

We thank the Lord and all of you Calvary who has given your offering to help the relief efforts in Myanmar through the AG Ministry of "CONVOY OF HOPE" !

Calvary through your love offerings, the Missions Funds along with a generous Calvary Donor who matched Calvary's Donations the last 2 weeks. We were able to raise $10,000 for Myanmar ! Please continue to pray for God's love and mercy on the people in Myanmar.

Please Pray for Upcoming Missions Teams

Dear Calvary,

Please remember to pray for Calvary M Team Members who will be going on the following upcoming short term M trips:

1) East Timor (June 7 - 20)
Team Members: P.Ray, Free & Sue

Please pray for...

  • God's divine leading in each step of the trip

  • God will perform Signs & Wonders throughout the trip and He will draw people unto Himself

  • Open Hearts of the people in East Timor; namely in the village of Luro

  • Journey Mercy

  • Protection from any illness or diseases

2) China - Wuhan & Beijing (June 30-July 13)

Team Members: Vicky, Free, Sue, Allen, Amy, Ariel
Please pray for:

  • God's divine leading throughout the trip

  • God will perform signs and wonders throughout the trip

  • Open hearts of all the people the team will come in contact with

  • Journey Mercy and all the logistics will fall into place

  • Protection from any illnesses or disease

2008 May Update in Vietnam

Hi Everyone!

Hope you are having a good week!

When we sent out our project list to everyone a couple of months back, we had an amazing response! This really encouraged us as we saw many needs met. With just a little, it can do so much here. WE have been able to place water systems in schools, clean water in villages and finance life saving operations, sponsor children, and more. Changing lives, changing destinies, that is what we are about. THERE IS STILL MUCH MORE TO BE DONE, there is still time to do something, and you can be apart of it.

It's almost the end of May which means only 4-5 weeks til end of FINANCIAL YEAR! Yes, tax time again.

If you need to spend some tax dollars and at the same want to transform a life, you can do both with our tax deductible projects.

PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO LOOK AT THE ATTACHED PROJECTS AVAILABLE. (please see "2008 May Vietnam Report" in the right column)
Thanks so much for all your support to make life better for so many in Vietnam and see these kids, these families, have the life that God desires them to have.


Paul and Deb and the team here in Vietnam.

Angeline is Doing Well !

Dear Friends,

Keith has sent another Angeline update from Agape House... Monday afternoon we went to the Chinese hospital where Angeline is staying and took her out to be seen by a good friend of ours, Dr Feng, who is a American Chinese Doctor at a Western style hospital in Beijing. Dr Feng has been on holiday and just returned, otherwise we would have asked for her advise a long time ago. Dr. Feng has seen Angeline previously for this same problem and last time the doctor gave her some medicine that made the sore go away very quickly. After seeing Angeline this time, however, she said that this time the sore is much worse than before, however, it's healing very well and will take a little while to completely heal shut. Dr Feng prescribed some new medicine and advised another week of IVs to make sure the infection has gone. When we left Dr. Feng's office we faced yet another bill, but this time, with a western style hospital that is normally at least 10 times more expensive than the Chinese hospitals.

To the Glory of Him who created us, however, I paid the bill for the doctor, it was only 290 RMB, or about 36 USD! When I went to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine we needed, the lady working there knew me and leaned over the counter and said. "I'm going to give you a very good discount!" That bill came to less than 100 RMB about 12 dollars! Needless to say we had great favor with this part, of Angeline's treatment, but, before we could take Angeline to see Dr. Feng the Chinese hospital wanted to be paid, 9000 RMB! Yes, well over $1300 USD which brought the total so far to over 13000 RMB ($USD 1900). Because we could not pay them at that time, they demanded we bring her back until the Doctor would released her. Therefore, after seeing Dr. Feng we traveled all the way back across Beijing to the hospital and had to leave Angeline there again until we can talk with the doctor today and get her released. Angeline has been in the hospital now for 2 1/2 weeks and did not what us to take her back, She said, "I what to go home please! I wish all doctors were as nice as Dr. Feng." Anyhow the plan now is to go on Wednesday and bring her home, finish the IVs here at home, and start her on the medicine Dr. Feng prescribed for her. Please pr"y this works out, We will do whatever it takes to repair the problem, but we need solid wisdom on how to do this the most cost effective way. Attached is a picture of Angeline in the hospital.

Blessings,Keith and Cheryl and AFLH Staff.