Dear Calvary Prayer Warriors,
The spring is here. May His mighty Spirit anoint you mightily in all you do for His glory!
We are grateful that the authorities has granted the approval for the Jammin ministry, NBA players ,to participate the World festival during Olympics on August 26. In our recent visit to Beijing, we preached in different churches and about 70 people came to the Lord. One newly built church at the universities area I visited in February, it grew from 700 to 6000 membership in less than one year, and mostly are young people.
We are grateful that the authorities has granted the approval for the Jammin ministry, NBA players ,to participate the World festival during Olympics on August 26. In our recent visit to Beijing, we preached in different churches and about 70 people came to the Lord. One newly built church at the universities area I visited in February, it grew from 700 to 6000 membership in less than one year, and mostly are young people.
During March 24 to April 4, we had a short term missions team to visit Shanghai, Fuzhou, Wuhan. It was wonderful experience for our team members! Leading 9 young people in 3 cities, listening to the comforting words from the Holy Spirit, and looking to the harvest field, we did rejoice to see over 140 came to the Lord( over 60 are college students), hundreds dedicate their lives to the Lord among them about 50 for the full time ministry. We love to see each team member rejoicing, loving in the Lord, and growing in spirit daily during the missions trip.
With our schedules packed from morning to evening, our spirits are high and cheerful. God’s presence was so powerfully manifesting in each of our gathering. Wherever we went, our words, prayers, songs and testimonies brought great encouragement to one another. In Fuzhou we visited a handicapped orphanage, we all were touched by the US couple who has sacrificially invested so much love to the 27 little ones. They have indeed blessed us with their mercy deeds and gentle spirit.
We traveled to several cities nearby preaching and teaching. We also went to pray in the various university campuses. In Bible college, while Sarah and I were sharing in the senior graduating class, others would share in the Professional School or in the training school. in the evening prayer meeting of the Bible college, I prayed for about 7 students who came forward for healings, and 4 students were touched by God receiving their healings including of a man with deformed spine problem and a student who had suffered with pains from a fall from tree top a few years ago, PTL!.
There are over 23 churches which were damaged by the late snow storms need us to help. We visited some areas and will try to raise $50,000 for them. Please pray for those desperate Chinese Christian, and please help us in raising the fund.
Good news! Sarah has just passed the test for ordination, Rev Tom Paino from Indiana district and our fellow missionary, Koichi Kitano will join us to lay hands on her on April 27 ordination service at the Tokyo Sunshine church. Our second son, Sam who has been our associate for two years and teaching English for years in Tokyo, on May 8 will be leaving for Portland for a special one year training to be an art designer for the nonprofit organization. Please pray for Sarah and pray for Sam(34), David, our first son, and his wife along with their 3 kids are doing well. Praise God!
Thank you very much for all your prayer and very kind support!
Abraham and Sarah